Monday, January 01, 2007

Volo omnes felicem novum annum habere!

why not a blog on the first of 2007?

a night in a chinese town, 80's style fist punching to The Slip and dehydration of the soul.
no sleep till brooklyn with a best friend's best friends.

and it was wonderful.

bathrooms with LCD monitors are a good way to find out that the people you are eating with are secretly cavorting about behind your back...

and chasing rock starts-with-horns is a good way to bond with a bronwyn.

i think i'll move to nyc this week. fickle fickle fickle. just as rocky's town drew me in last week, with its street cheese steaks and upset stomachs in a Mutter museum.

philadelphia is eye opening in a way you don't quite want it to be, with that red lizard on your shoulder and all... which you'd like to hold on to until at least the 17th. it makes you cry... oh the vague-ity of a bethblog. forgive forgive. these aren't quite meant to be understood.... and all art is really quite useless.

atheneums draw you in, with or without the jazz... and walt whitman permeates souls through the photography of a dead adulterer.

as for boston: 2 strikes for parent-trapped-traveling and sold out museums. but altogether quite metropolitan this week.

caminando... en el mar in la arena. en una semana. con devendra.

while drinking dong lei cha. at the diamond. with 15 of your closest nonfriends from GHS. and chelsiedave.

glorification for a God who answers prayers... at times you hardly expect. a new believer. a new brother.

i got 500 cakes in the trunk so lets not underestimate the delightfulness of spooning, punching people in the proverbial throat, and incorrect usage of the word "bourgeois"

getting boys out-their-boxes as we hold hands and praise the Lord for pasta and meatballs.... while contemplating the repercussions of an abusive boyfriend.

and now home for a little dorian gray.. the desktop picture is in accordance with skateboarding to mexico so it looks like i'm good to go...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really good stuff.

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I guess I'm the only human that actually comments in this piece.

Cool dance moves.

2:24 PM  

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